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MidAmerica STEM Alliance: Preparing a Strong Future STEM Workforce for Oklahoma

We are excited to share PEAR’s Data Narrative for Action Report: Incubating Career Knowledge and Interest Through In-School STEM: Report on MidAmerica 2023 Data

This Data Narrative for Action (DNA) report was created by PEAR for MidAmerica STEM Alliance to tell the story of their impact on STEM learning in Oklahoma through their coordination of the expertise, resources, and enthusiasm of partners within the MidAmerica Industrial Park, to connect local students with workforce development experiences. 

About the Report

Using PEAR’s Data Narratives for Action approach to data collection and storytelling, in January and February 2023, MidAmerica collected data on their in-school STEM lab using PEAR’s Common Instrument Suite – Student Survey (CIS-S) and Common Instrument Suite – Educator Survey (CIS-E). Data was collected in 9 schools and included 610 students in grades 4 through 12, as well as 9 educators.

This report highlights the full impact MidAmerica has through their in-school STEM lab program delivery model.

Key Findings:

  • Students in these labs reported significant positive changes in all ten 21st-century and STEM outcomes, with the greatest positive changes in STEM career interest and STEM career knowledge.

  • MidAmerica’s STEM labs also enabled growth in critical 21st-century skills, such as critical thinking, perseverance, and relationships with adults and peers.

  • Educators reported high levels of comfort, interest, confidence, and capability leading STEM at the beginning of the year that either was maintained or increased.

Image of the front page of the report: Incubating Career Knowledge and Interest through In-School STEM Labs: Report on MidAmerica 2023 Dat

Click the image above or download button below to access the full report.


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